Merchant Cash Advance

See If You Qualify for a Merchant Cash Advance

The merchant cash advance program we offer here at Fusion Alternative Funding is very popular with small business owners. Unlike traditional financing, you can qualify for a cash advance even if you don’t have a great cash flow or credit profile. This program is ideal for businesses that are trying to recover after getting through a rough financial patch.

It’s important to realize that a merchant cash advance is different from a standard loan. Instead of taking out a loan and making monthly payments on it, a cash advance is taken against your merchant account. The loan is automatically repaid with a portion of each credit card sale you make in the future. Every time a customer pays with a credit card, a small portion of the sale comes straight to us until your cash advance is fully repaid, to prevent a strain on cash flow. You won’t need to worry about remembering to make monthly payments because the process is automated.

Program Benefits

Many borrowers love our cash advance program because it’s so easy to qualify for and the terms are simplistic. Once approved, you’ll receive:

  • Immediate funds
  • Easy payback terms
  • Up to $200,000 per business location
  • No collateral requirements

Contact us today if you’re ready to apply for our merchant cash advance program. We’ll send you an application that you can fill out and submit at your earliest convenience.